Acceptable Use Policy

This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) applies to our clients' direct and indirect use of the Elasticera Services. We do not make exceptions to this AUP for any reason.

The purpose of the AUP is to set out clear rules by which all Elasticera's subscribers must comply. By prescribing these rules Elasticera intends to keep its services within the law and best practices for the benefit of all its subscribers and users.

Reporting breaches of this AUP to Elasticera

If any person believes that any content that is stored within the Elasticera Services, or the use to which such content is put, represents a breach of this AUP then they should consult the abuse policy.

Legal Status of this AUP

This AUP forms part of the contract between Elasticera and a subscriber to the Elasticera Services.

Elasticera may change this AUP at any time; and if it does so it will notify its subscribers by email.

A breach of a Subscriber of this AUP will be treated as a material breach of the agreement between that Subscriber and Elasticera.

Unsolicited Commercial Communications (Spam)

Subscribers may not use content stored in the Elasticera Services as part of any commercial communications campaign that has not been solicited by the recipients.

Illegal/Offensive Material

Subscribers may not store content in the Elasticera Services that is:

  • Illegal under the laws of any of the countries in the EU and/or the USA
  • Encouraging or inciting of racial hatred or discrimination
  • Defamatory
  • An infringement of a person's privacy
  • An infringement of a person's copyright, trade mark and/or other intellectual property right
  • A breach of a person's confidentiality
  • Constitutes, depicts or relates in any manner to pornography
  • Depicts acts that are excessively violent, inciting violence and/or crime, threatening violence, or contains harassing content or hate speech or negative discrimination;

Illegal Purpose

Separate from the restrictions on the content itself, the Subscriber may not (and may not permit others to) use the content stored on the Elasticera Service for any purpose which is directly or indirectly:

  • Illegal under the laws of any of the countries in the EU and/or USA and/or the country to which such content is being served
  • Encouraging or inciting of racial hatred or discrimination
  • Defamatory in nature
  • An infringement of a person's privacy
  • An infringement of a person's copyright, trade mark and/or other intellectual property rights; and/or an explanation of how to infringe the same;
  • An explanation or encouragement of how to circumvent security protections
  • Relating to the distribution of counterfeit products and/or cracked software (warez)
  • Breaches a person's confidentiality
  • The distribution of pornography or
  • The depiction of acts of excessive violence, harassment or hate
  • Encouraging violence, crime harassment, hate and/or negative discrimination

Anti-Social Activity

The health of the Elasticera Service is in everyone's interest. Hence a Subscriber may not:

  • Conduct stress tests against the Elasticera Service or any IP address on which the Elasticera Service may be located.
  • Emulate or attempt any denial of service or similar attack on the Elasticera Services
  • Seek to bypass any security systems used in the Elasticera Services
  • Run penetration tests against the Elasticera Services
  • Publicise content in such a manner, or do any other act, such that the bandwidth involved in serving concomitant requests for that content causes prejudice to (i) the Elasticera Services generally and/or (ii) Elasticera's ability to service other requests for content
  • Use a CDN, reverse proxy or equivalent with the Elasticera Services

In any of the above cases Elasticera reserves the right to throttle bandwidth to the relevant content or to suspend access to that content.

Last Updated: August 26th, 2015